OPEEP Co-Director Dr. Tiyi Morris and Program Coordinators Babette Cieskowski and Nicole Edgerton smile while tabling at the Newark campus student fair.

OPEEP Program Coordinator Babette Cieskowski speaks with a student at the Columbus campus student involvement fair.

OPEEP staff members Story Edison, Babette Cieskowski, and Nicole Edgerton smile as they pose for a photo at the Columbus campus student involvement fair.

Students at the Columbus campus student involvement fair smile as they chat with OPEEP staff and Co-Directors about the project's work and course offerings.

OPEEP Co-Director Dr. Mary Thomas proudly wears LGBTQ+ pride flags in their hair while standing next to the OPEEP sign at the Newark student fair.

Undergraduate students speak with OPEEP Program Coordinator Babette Cieskowski as they sign up for the project's e-mail listserv at the Columbus campus student involvement fair.
From tabling at student fairs to getting new courses off the ground, Autumn 2022 has been off to an active start for OPEEP! Our Co-Directors and staff were able to participate in both the Columbus campus Student Involvement Fair and the Newark campus Student Organization/Academic Resource Fair. Both fairs were wonderful opportunities to make connections with fellow Buckeyes and to spread the word about OPEEP's mission and course offerings. At the Columbus campus fair on August 28th, we got to speak with many interested students, signed lots of folks up for the new OPEEP listserv, and distributed tons of our feminist and abolitionist quote posters. At the Newark campus fair on September 1st, we spoke with more interested students about our work and regional course offerings, added more folks to the listserv, distributed more feminist and abolitionist quote posters, while also making some great connections with Newark staff and faculty.
Aside from student fairs, OPEEP staff and faculty have also been kept busy with Autumn 2022 courses now fully underway. OPEEP is offering four courses at three different prison facilities this semester. Reflecting our goal to expand course offerings throughout OSU's numerous regional campuses, these four courses are being offered through three different campuses, including Columbus, Mansfield, and Newark. At the Ohio Reformatory for Women (ORW) in Marysville, OPEEP is offering two courses this semester: WGSST 1110H: Gender, Sex and Power with Columbus campus Professor Mary Thomas and ART 5890: Special Topics - Drawing as Feminist Art with Columbus campus Professors Dani Restack and Carmen Winant. At the Southeastern Correctional Institution in Lancaster (SCI), OPEEP is offering one course: PSYCH 1110: Introduction to Psychology with Newark Campus Professor Chris Robinson. And, lastly, OPEEP is offering one course at the Richland Correctional Institution (RiCI) in Mansfield: SOC 4610: Sociology of Deviant Behavior with Mansfield campus Professor Terri Winnick.
Given this exciting start to the Autumn term, OPEEP is thrilled for all that is to come in the remaining weeks of this semester!