Our Stories

Read first hand accounts of how OPEEP has impacted students and faculty.

"This class has been the most transformative of my life; first breaking down my way of thought, then building up my historical understanding, and finally blossoming my newfound hope and passion for the greater Black freedom struggle." - Campus Student

"Stepping out of the “traditional” college classroom through OPEEP has been such a rejuvenating experience. I have enjoyed being challenged by my classmates and further encouraged to expand my knowledge on Black liberation movements. This course has been such a great way to end my 4 years at Ohio State." - Campus Student 

"I connected with both the inside and outside classmates, and we all learned from one another. While breaking down barriers of indifference, I gained a new perspective on Black History and obtained self-confidence as a Black woman." - Incarcerated Student

"It has truly been one of the most engaging classes I’ve been in during my entire undergraduate career. I have been pushed not only as a student but as a human being and citizen because of this class… Common bonds and our class discussion have been able to transcend some differences even if just for three hours." - Campus Student

"OPEEP has been one of the best learning experiences I have ever had. This has been something in my life that has taught me things I never learned growing up, and I am forever grateful to OSU for giving incarcerated individuals these classes." - Incarcerated Student 

"OPEEP means that I am not the “trash” that society has thrown away. It means that I am human. I have a voice, a beating heart, a soul, and another chance." - Incarcerated Student

"I believe that everyone deserves the right to a higher education. And OPEEP has been an impactful and immersive way to show that the right to education has no limit." - Campus Student

"OPEEP was not only eye-opening but truly transformational – I learned so much about my passions and connected with many like-minded individuals which allowed me to grow in so many ways I’m forever grateful for this experience." - Campus Student

"OPEEP has provided me a way to fight both conscious and subconscious biases head-on. I have bonded with individuals, which I would otherwise not have had the chance to, over our common passions, goals, and our shared humanity. I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to meet such strong, passionate women and learn with them this semester." - Campus Student

"OSU OPEEP classes are life changing! It has provided an opportunity for me to receive higher education beyond the walls." - Incarcerated Student

"OPEEP has changed my perspective on the education system as well as people who are in prison. I acknowledge that I am learning more about African American history simply because I can pay for it, and that is the root problem of the education system. I should've known more about Ella Baker and Fannie Lou Hamer before I was 20 years old... This is one of the best classes I ever took!" - Campus Student